Thursday, February 15, 2007

Look In Your Own Backyard

Sometimes you find the hungry in your own neighborhood. In doing a canned food drive at the dance studio where I am co-owner, I found out that the Tarrant Area Food Bank has a program called Backpacks for Kids. This program packs kid friendly snacks in backpacks and distributes them to 12 sites in 3 counties. The schools are chosen if 80% or more of their kids are eligible for free or reduced-cost meals. Nine of the schools are in Tarrant County. (You can find this information on the food bank’s website.) The backpacks are distributed to a child for the weekend and then returned to the school on Monday. They make sure that the backpacks are distributed in private to save the children from being embarrassed. Sometimes I think we get so caught up in the plight of people in foreign countries that we forget that we have people with needs in our own.


clayton said...

Thank you, this is much nicer looking.

I think Tracey used to have the youth group involved in the back packs for kids thing.