Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Top 7 Ways To Tell You Are Having A Bad Week

7. Monday morning you're running late. (It's after a weekend - does this really count?)

6. Your car won't pass inspection because the check engine light is on.

5. You borrow your mom's car to meet your fellow carpooler and leave the lights on and run down the battery. (Thankfully Travis was very nice and came over and jumpstarted the car!)

4. It costs $722.68 to get your car to pass inspection.

3. Your fellow carpooler goes to lunch and has an accident. (The good news is the car was not damaged that badly and noone was hurt!!)

2. You fall down the stairs when leaving the office. (I left purple nail polish skid marks on the stairs!)


1. IT'S ONLY TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can pray I survive the week. I know I will!


Jen and Ryan said...

Oh my goodness! Good thing you only work 4 days a week instead of 5. I guess it makes your odds better! :) Hope you're still going strong!

leiGh said...

what a monday! and TOMORROW YOURE OFF!!!!!!!