Monday, July 28, 2008

A Few Things I've Learned From 10 Hour Days

These are just a random sampling of some things I have learned from working ten hour days.

1. I don't hate mornings as much as I used to.
2. I love to drink a large cup of coffee on the way to work.
3. I no longer think of needing to get up at 5:00 a.m. as a curse.
4. I really should get up at 4:45 a.m., but I just can't bring myself to.
5. Getting up earlier has not changed the fact that my eyes pop open every morning at 3 a.m. (This is why I can't get out of bed at 4:45. By the time I go back to sleep - forget it!)
6. It's very quiet when I walk outside to get in my car.
7. People aren't usually walking that early in the morning.
8. It is possible to become somewhat of a morning person.
9. It's no longer necessary to get up at 5 a.m. on the weekends to be able to get up during the week.
10. 183 is still backed up with traffic.

But, I think the most amazing thing I have learned is:

11. Sunrise is beautiful! When I leave the house I am driving east and when the sun starts coming up it's like God has taken a paintbrush and painted the most beautiful combination of colors across the sky. And no two days are the same!! It is exquisite and I am truly blessed to see it!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Things I Am Looking Forward To

These are a few of the things I am looking forward to in the near future:

1. Tomorrow - It's Friday!!!
2. Spending time with Jacey this weekend.
3. Sleeping past 5 a.m.
4. The fall television season. (Particularly Pushing Daisies and CSI)
5. Fall break.
6. Jacey starting back to school.
7. Our family reunion.
8. Reading my Bible. (It's been hard to read at lunch lately!)
9. Wipeout next week. (I'm hoping for Celebrity Wipeout but I don't think it will happen!)
10. Disney World with family and friends!!!
11. Sleeping.
12. The Olympics.
13. Christmas!!
14. Church.

Not necessarily in the above order!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Golf Lessons

Jacey went to her first golf camp two weeks ago and fell in love with golf. She called me after the first day and asked me to get her into the actual classes. She has now attended two camps and is in the process of her first set of ten week lessons. She has already asked about attending the Girl's Golf program when it starts. I am so glad that she has found a sport she enjoys. I know that dance is a lot of hard work and is very intense, but I consider it more of an art than a sport. Here are a few pictures that a friend of mine took and sent to me. (Thanks Paula!)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Top 7 Ways To Tell You Are Having A Bad Week

7. Monday morning you're running late. (It's after a weekend - does this really count?)

6. Your car won't pass inspection because the check engine light is on.

5. You borrow your mom's car to meet your fellow carpooler and leave the lights on and run down the battery. (Thankfully Travis was very nice and came over and jumpstarted the car!)

4. It costs $722.68 to get your car to pass inspection.

3. Your fellow carpooler goes to lunch and has an accident. (The good news is the car was not damaged that badly and noone was hurt!!)

2. You fall down the stairs when leaving the office. (I left purple nail polish skid marks on the stairs!)


1. IT'S ONLY TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can pray I survive the week. I know I will!