Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Who or What is the God in your life?

I started working in a Bible Study book tonight called No Other Gods Confronting Your Modern Day Idols. It was written by Kelly Minter. I know absolutely nothing about her, except that this book is hard-core in a very nonchalant way. I actually kind of thought this would be just an interesting and light-hearted look at where we truly put our focus. If I had really thought that through I might not have bought this book. Session One, Day One ends with a note to jot down “any penetrating or new realizations you had.”

Here is what I just wrote in my journal:

The First Commandment is the most important. God is the ultimate power. Everything comes from Him. If our focus in life is not God, then we are only living on the surface. Everything is shallow. There’s no deep meaning because ultimately we are serving ourselves. We have become our own god. (I think I use the term we because it makes me feel like I am not alone in this.)

It’s the last sentence that has really brought me low. To come to the realization that we become so self-absorbed we essentially begin to function as a god in our life. We think we know best – not just for ourselves but for our children as well.

It’s hard to think that what I deem best for my child may not be what God has in store for her. I can say that I want what’s best, but what I am saying is that I really want what I want. I want what I think is best, not what God thinks is best. I am a control freak! I know that and it makes it extremely difficult to turn life over to God.


Jen and Ryan said...

So.... I had to hear the news on the Grace Update online.... A singles class?? I'm totally crashing that.