Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Love-Hate Relationship

I have this love-hate relationship with DVR. I love that I don’t have to re-program it repeatedly. I love that I don’t have to put in a tape or DVD to record. I love that I can fast forward through the commercials. I love that I can watch something on DVR while I am recording something else. BUT I ABSOLUTELY HATE WHEN IT CUTS OFF AND DOES NOT RECORD ALL OF MY SHOW!!! There is nothing worse than sitting through a television show and then not getting to see the end!! OK, I know that is extremely melodramatic and there are tons of worse things in the world. It just frustrates me!!! Thank you God for giving us the internet! Now I can watch the episode of Samantha Who? on the web!


clayton said...

i miss our DVR. we got rid of cable a while back. those were the good ole days.